The 8th International Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (ICSM 2024)
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The International conference on sustainable manufacturing (ICSM) was first held in 2013, it was part of the opening of the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Center (AMTC). 

This annual event continued from 2013 to 2019 and attracted numerous participants, featuring keynote speeches from leading figures in the industry, particularly from German and Chinese companies such as Zeiss, MAG, SCHUNK, SIEMENS, ABB, and SCHAEFFLER. During ICSM 2018 and 2019, the conference spotlighted numerous presentations from the I4TP project, the largest German-Chinese research initiative in Industry 4.0, conducted by KIT and Tongji University. Unfortunately, the event was suspended after 2019 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The 8th International Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing will be relaunched in 2024. Historically, ICSM served as an internal discussion platform for industry professionals and invited academic guests. In 2024, the conference will focus on promoting academic exchanges and industry development. Welcome to join this event!
